Year 9 Options

Year 9 Options at Victory

The decisions you make regarding your options choices can dramatically affect the path your life takes over the next few years, so it’s crucial that you consider your choices carefully.

At Victory, we are passionate about ensuring you are able to choose from a wide range of courses to offer you as much flexibility as possible. Your learning pathway needs to be personalised, so don’t be influenced by the choices made by your friends – your life is your own and we are all so very different.

You know the subjects you thoroughly enjoy and those where you are most successful. You may even have an idea about your future career. Speak to your family and the staff who know your strengths and aspirations, to help you decide what’s best for you. There are lots of opportunities to seek advice if you would like to discuss your future.

You will get it right and we will give as much support as you need to choose in order that you excel in the right subjects.

Here are some tips:

  • Choose subjects that you will enjoy
  • Choose subjects that you are good at
  • Choose subjects that will support your career plans
  • Choose a combination of subjects that give you a broad experience of learning


  •  Do not choose subjects because you want to be with your friends
  •  Do not choose subjects because you like the teacher

Here is a plan to follow:

  1. Read the Options Booklet and talk to teachers to find out as much as you can about the different subjects you can choose
  2. Discuss your plans with your parents and your Form Tutor, Subject Teachers and Head of Year
  3. Attend the Options Evening in February
  4. Make your choices by filling in the Options Form as per the instructions
  5. Hand in the completed form to your Form Tutor by the deadline

Be excited and proud to know you are at such an exciting stage of your education – we will give you all the help you need to make the right decisions.

Options Booklets

Current Year 9 – 2025-2027

Current Year 10 – 2024-2026