
Our Uniform at Victory

At Victory, we feel strongly that our students should look smart and ready to achieve great things. Equally, we put a great deal of support in place for families to meet our expectations.

We run a successful second-hand uniform shop and we don’t charge for the items included – you can make a donation if you’re able to, but equally we’d love everyone to just commit to donating your unwanted items back to us. Coats, shoes and trainers are as welcome as regular uniform items.

Please contact [email protected] if you’d like to find out more about how we can help you.

  • Branded academy black blazer (compulsory)
  • Black trousers (generic)
  • Branded academy checked grey skirt (optional)
  • Grey tailored shorts – summer term only (generic)
  • Plain white shirt (generic)
  • Branded academy tie – students in Year 7 as of September 2024 will wear a PURPLE TIE (compulsory)
  • Plain black knitted V-neck jumper (optional)
  • Plain black/white or grey socks/tights (generic)
  • Black polishable footwear – no trainers (generic)

Compulsory = branded and purchased from our uniform provider

Generic = can be purchased from any provider

Optional = if selected, this must be purchased from our uniform provider

Please note, in exceptional circumstances, academy logo badges may be requested to sew onto plain black blazers – please email: [email protected]

Students must wear:

  • Branded academy polo shirt (compulsory)*
  • Branded academy tracksuit top during colder weather (optional)*
  • Plain black shorts – discreet logo permitted (generic)
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms – discreet logo permitted (generic)
  • Plain black sport leggings (generic)
  • Plain black/white sports socks (generic)
  • Indoor trainers for sports hall use (generic)
  • Trainers for outdoor use (generic and optional)

*Our preference is for students to wear the branded academy sportswear, however a plain black polo shirt and sweatshirt (not hooded) are permitted providing the logo is discreet.

Safety is of utmost importance to us, therefore we insist all students wear a suitable pair of training shoes in all PE lessons. Plimsolls, pumps or high tops, e.g. Converse are not permitted.

During relevant sporting seasons, shin pads are required for football and gum shields for rugby.

Students are permitted to attend school wearing the correct PE kit ONLY on their timetabled PE days.

Students are required to wear their PE kit even if not taking part in the lesson.

  • Students are required to wear blazers at all times. They may be removed in class if the teacher gives permission to do so.
  • Ties are compulsory for all students; as of September 2024, tie colours are as follows; Year 7 – purple, Year 8 – blue, Year 9 – red, Year 10 – black, Year 11 – pink. Please note, children will keep the same tie colour throughout their time with us at Victory.
  • Top shirt buttons must be done up at all times.
  • Ties must be tied to cover the top button and reach belt length.
  • Shirts and blouses are to be plain white, completely tucked in and buttoned up.  Collars should not have any buttons or trims.
  • All students have the choice of trousers or a skirt. No fashion, jean style or stretchy trousers. Those wishing to wear a skirt, this must be the academy grey pleated skirt from our uniform provider. New from September 2023
  • When wearing a skirt, plain black/white or grey socks or tights must be worn. Socks can be knee or ankle length.
  • Students are required to wear sensible black polishable shoes.  Canvas shoes are not permitted. Sensible leather ankle boots are permitted.
  • PE shorts must not be fashion or stretchy mini short style and appropriate for school sports.
  • If a student wears a belt, it should be plain and black.  
  • No jewellery is permitted apart from a watch and one pair of small, plain metallic or diamanté ear studs worn in the ear.
  • Any fresh piercing will need to be removed, or a clear/flesh coloured retainer worn. Facial and body piercings are not permitted.
  • Make up must be natural looking; no large false eyelashes, bright lipstick or bold eyeliner. No excessively painted or drawn on eyebrows.
  • Colourless nail varnish is acceptable. Nail gel, false/acrylic nails or nail tips are not permitted. 
  • Students are not permitted to wear hooded sweatshirts as part of the uniform or as a coat.

Please note the process for ordering uniform has changed.

All uniform orders are to be made directly to our suppliers, either by on-line, telephone or post. These changes have been made to improve the process and offer parents more flexibility.

More information can be obtained by clicking here to download a measuring guide for ordering uniform.

Please click here to download a Uniform order form.

Alternatively the suppliers website can be visited directly here.

Uniform will continue to be ordered by the Academy for those parents who receive vouchers from the Thomas Anguish Fund.

Legal duties under the Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination against an individual based on the protected
characteristics, which include sex, race, religion or belief, and gender reassignment.
To avoid discrimination, the academy will:

  • Avoid listing uniform items based on sex, to give all pupils the opportunity to wear the uniform
    they feel most comfortable in or that most reflects their self-identified gender
  • Make sure that the uniform costs the same for all pupils
  • Allow all pupils to have long hair (whilst reserving the right to ask for this to be tied back)
  • Allow all pupils to style their hair in the way that is appropriate for school yet makes them feel
    most comfortable
  • Allow pupils to request changes to swimwear for religious reasons
  • Allow pupils to wear headscarves and other religious or cultural symbols
  • Allow for adaptations to the policy on the grounds of equality by asking pupils or their parents to
    get in touch with the Vice Principal for Student Engagement, who can answer questions about the
    policy and respond to any requests