PE and Sport

Curriculum Intent

The PE curriculum intent aims to give all students the experience of a broad and balanced PE curriculum through studying various sporting activities in depth. Core knowledge, skills and key concepts are delivered across all sports. Students are taught the key concepts of preparation for sport, anatomy and physiology, fitness, scoring systems, rules, regulations, leadership and careers in all lessons across all key stages. Lessons are sequenced and challenging to ensure all students make good progress and succeed in future pathways. Key concepts encourage and support the development of healthy, active lifestyles, self-confidence, team-work, communication skills and fair-play. Knowledge and skills are linked to careers across all units of work and contextualised in vocational and technical courses at KS4 and 5.

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Autumn – Warm Up / Cool Down

Spring – Components of Fitness

Summer – The Skeletal System

Year 8

Autumn – Joints

Spring – Methods of Training

Summer – Immediate Effects of Exercise on the Body

Year 9

Autumn – Nutrition

Spring – Principals of Training

Summer – Long Term Effects of Exercise

KS3 Core PE Assessment

Football Assessment Card

Cricket Assessment Card

Rugby Assessment Card

Fitness Assessment Card

Netball Assessment Card

Rounders Assessment Card

Badminton Assessment Card

Hockey Assessment Card

Handball Assessment Card

Key Stage 4

Course Introduction

BTEC Tech Award in Sport gives students the opportunity to study the theory behind sport and fitness.

Course Outline

The Tech Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through realistic vocational contexts. Learners will have the opportunity to investigate provisions for sport including equipment and facilities to enhance sport, undertake planning and delivery of sport drills and sessions and develop knowledge and understanding of fitness for sport including fitness testing and methodology.

Course Expectations:

Students are expected to respond to set assignment tasks with word processed written responses and presentations.  They are also expected to demonstrate communication skills and planning by producing and demonstrating a warm up and their skill in a selected sport.  Students are required to make detailed hand written notes on Component 3 to revise from to prepare for their written exam. Students are expected to keep up to date with coursework or they will be required to attend after school p6 support. Students are expected to bring and wear academy PE kit and participate fully in practical lessons.

Progression and Careers Further Education:

Sixth form and University.  Personal Training, Sports Massage, Coaching, Physiotherapy, Teaching, Sports Psychology

Additional course details can be found at:

Key Stage 5

The Extended Certificate in Sport will give students a solid foundation for those wishing to pursue a career in the fitness industry.

The units studied include:

Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry
Unit 5: Application of Fitness Testing

Progression Mapping

Curriculum Progression Pathways – Sport

Curriculum Overview

Sport Curriculum Overview

PE Curriculum Maps

PE Road Maps