Our Sixth Form Team
To get in touch with a member of our Sixth Form Team, please email [email protected] or telephone the Sixth Form Office (direct line 01603 734150).
The Role of the Sixth Form Team
The Sixth Form Team play a key role in supporting student progress. This is achieved in a number of ways:
- Monitoring academic progress by reviewing work and achievement individually with students on a regular basis.
- Maintaining records of progress and agreeing targets for students, which are then reviewed
- Giving advice on study skills, methods of working and approaches to Sixth Form life generally.
- Monitoring and implementing the Raising Achievement System.
- Giving advice and guidance on progression – especially into Higher Education.
- Implementing the agreed pastoral programme.
- Collating subject references and adding personal comments for UCAS references.
- Maintaining an accurate attendance record.
- Following up unexplained absences or poor punctuality by contacting parents by phone or letter.
- Delivering the PSHE programme.