Our Sixth Form Team
Mr Bunting
Assistant Principal for Sixth Form, Teaching, Learning and Training and Teacher of History Miss Wyer
Assistant Head of Sixth Form and Head of Psychology Mr Harris
Deputy Director of Sixth Form Mrs Willis
Deputy Director of Sixth Form and Curriculum Leader for Health, Beauty and Childcare Mrs Charnock
Head of Year 12 and 13 and Teacher of History Miss Burke
Head of Year 12 and 13 Behaviour Mrs Lusher-Chamberlain
Sixth Form Study Mentor Mrs Gallagher Sixth Form Services and Study Manager Mrs McDowell
PA to Sixth Form
To get in touch with a member of our Sixth Form Team, please email [email protected] or telephone the Sixth Form Office (direct line 01603 734150).
The Role of the Sixth Form Team
The Sixth Form Team play a key role in supporting student progress. This is achieved in a number of ways:
- Monitoring academic progress by reviewing work and achievement individually with students on a regular basis.
- Maintaining records of progress and agreeing targets for students, which are then reviewed
- Giving advice on study skills, methods of working and approaches to Sixth Form life generally.
- Monitoring and implementing the Raising Achievement System.
- Giving advice and guidance on progression – especially into Higher Education.
- Implementing the agreed pastoral programme.
- Collating subject references and adding personal comments for UCAS references.
- Maintaining an accurate attendance record.
- Following up unexplained absences or poor punctuality by contacting parents by phone or letter.
- Delivering the PSHE programme.