At the end of Autumn Term 2019 we were thrilled to learn that our application for the renewal of our Norfolk Youth Carer Friendly Tick Award for Education had been successful.
We were first awarded this quality mark in Summer 2018 and since then have been continuing and developing the work we do to support our students who are Young Carers.
As part of the application process we were asked to provide some statements from our Young Carers explaining how we, as a school, help to make their lives as carers a little easier….
“Our school offers a range of support for young carers. If we are having trouble at home and can’t complete our homework in time we are given and extension or if we are late we are excused late detentions because some of us have to take our brothers and sisters to school In the morning. If there is an issue at home our parents/guardians (or anyone who may know about it) are allowed to call me during school hours and I have permission to answer it (I have a Young Carers phone sticker in my planner). We also wear badges from the school (if we want to) so teachers can identify us and if we require extra support.”
“I am a young carers’ ambassador. I also have a sticker in my planner so that if my parents need to message me I can go out of class and see what the message says because the messages could be important. School is great when it comes to solving issues that have happened to me with family. Also the school tells the students about how a young carer might feel like and what responsibilities they might have”.
Feedback from the Norfolk Young Carer’s Forum Panel was extremely positive, saying that…
“The young people were really impressed with your application and it was a unanimous yes from them all!”
We are tremendously proud of all of our students’ achievements at Victory. Above all, we are committed to ensuring every Victory student is motivated, ready to learn independently and enthusiastically and make valuable contributions to their community and the wider world.
Our academy’s values are represented by the names of our four colleges: Courage, Discovery, Endeavour and Enterprise. These are 4 key traits we want our students to embrace as learners and as adults.
To ensure everyone has the opportunity to meet these aims, the academy is committed to listening to and supporting any student who has a caring role or responsibilities for others at home. In doing this, we hope this will ultimately improve the educational experiences and achievements of our Young Carers and empower them to seek help and support when necessary. Many Young Carers shoulder responsibilities well beyond their years, and our academy is committed to working hard to support these students to become the best that they can be, despite the additional pressures they face.
Our commitment to our Young Carers:
Young Carers’ commitment to our academy:
We are children and young people who are also carers. We are fully committed to doing everything we possibly can to achieve our full potential at school, while trying to balance the additional responsibilities associated with being a Young Carer.
Our Academy Lead for Young Carers is:
Miss M Hazell
Assistant Principal for Raising Achievement (Basics and Vulnerable Groups)
Email: [email protected]