In order to meet the needs of all students, we use a careers tracker which underpins our Careers Programme. Using the information recorded, we organise school trips, working lunches and other events based upon what students need to help them make informed choices.
This system has been very successful. Say for example, a student puts that they have a future aspiration of becoming a chef or another role in the catering sector, using this information, we can investigate Catering-based careers trips as well as invite guest speakers from this sector for Working Lunches, making sure that the interested students are personally invited.
This has now been set up using Google Forms so that students may change their profile at any time in school year, by simply using their academy account.
Students submit the following information to help us meet their needs:
The link is included below – it is important that students are logged into their account in order to access the secure form.
The form can only be submitted once using the same account. Where a computer is being shared between siblings for example, you will need to ensure you are logged into the correct account.
Students may change their responses by accessing the form on their account, then simply clicking ‘Edit Response’ in the top right-hand corner.
Should you have any further difficulties, please contact Mr Arger on 01603 343594 or via email to [email protected]