The intent of the Computer Science Curriculum is to provide knowledge and skills students can use beyond the classroom. We ensure the content is challenging for all abilities by providing academic and vocational options that meet the National Curriculum. The Computer Science Curriculum provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills of key concepts such as: internet safety, computer architecture, programming, and computing theory, which will help students in a technological world. Creative teaching methods ensure students enjoy Computer Science lessons and they are sequenced to support students in their next step, as well as providing them with opportunities to problem solve and be creative. Computer Science is an important aspect of everyday life and students understand how to use technology to their advantage in order to build independence. Students are computer literate and can not only use IT but understand the safety implications associated with it. We provide opportunities for students to explore Computing careers, so they can see how the skills and knowledge learnt apply in the real world.
In Key Stage 3 we follow the National Curriculum for Computing. During Year 7, 8 and 9, students will develop skills relating to both Computer Science and ICT, to prepare them for when they make an informed choice in Key Stage 4.
In Year 7, students will study E-Safety through using Internet Searching, PowerPoint, Word and Desktop Publishing in autumn term. In spring term, students will create website using HTML. In Summer, students will study Python Turtle Programming.
In Year 8, students will study Spreadsheets and Databases in Autumn Term. From Spring, students will move on to more Computer Science based topics including algorithms, flowcharts and pseudocode. This will prepare them for summer term, where they will learn Basic Python Programming.
In Year 9, students will learn a mixture of Computer Science and IT topics, including Spreadsheets, Python Programming, Web Design and Content Creation, Ethical Concerns, User Interfaces, Inside a Computer and Binary.
Course Introduction: This course gives students a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works. It offers an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, including computer programming, which many students find absorbing. It’s a great way to develop critical thinking and analysis and problem-solving skills, which can be transferred to further learning and to everyday life. Computing is a more specialist course than ICT and students must have the ability to think logically and have a good knowledge of Mathematics.
Course Outline: The course is split into 2 Components and assessed during Years 10 and 11.
Course Expectations: Keep up to date with theory and programming skills, attending catch up period 6 sessions for missed lessons, and revise for exams outside class time.
Module 01 (Computer Systems – Theory) is an External Exam that lasts for 1 Hour 30 Minutes. It is a written Paper out of 80 Marks. The exam includes a mix of multiple choice, short response and extended response question. This component will assess Systems architecture; Memory and storage; Computer networks, connections and protocols; Network security; Systems software; Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology.
Module 02 (Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming – Theory) is an External Exam that lasts for 1 Hour 30 Minutes. It is a written paper out of 80 Marks. Section A is Questions and Section B asks you to write or refine algorithms. This component will assess Algorithms; Programming fundamentals; Producing robust programs; Boolean logic; Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments. Students are given the opportunity to undertake programming tasks in order to develop their skills to design, write, test and refine programs using a high-level programming language.
Each module is worth 50% of the course.
Computer Science is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real-world systems. It’s an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement, and can look at the natural world through a digital prism.
The BTEC Level 3 Computer Science course will test your skills and knowledge of Computer Science. It will provide you with the opportunity to show your skill level and what you can do with Computer Science. It will also give you the opportunity to show your knowledge of the theory of Computing and how Computing helps in the real world.
Computer Science Progression Pathways