Lunchtime takes place over two sittings at the academy. This prevents overcrowding and allows all students to have the opportunity to sit and eat their lunches.
Students can pay for a hot or cold lunch with the catering staff providing a varied range of hot and cold meals every day. Alternatively, students can bring a packed lunch from home.
We do not authorise students to go home for lunch.
We are using an excellent company, Caterlink. We will be moving to a system of cashless catering and biometrics in the future, so parents to not need to give cash to children directly to pay for meals. This also means those students in receipt of free school meals can purchase food with ease.
Victory will be providing squash for students to drink at lunch and Caterlink provide free toast or porridge for breakfast to support a healthy start to the day. We know that a good diet and regular hydration is crucial to students’ performance in lessons and general health. We are committed to being outstanding in all aspects of our work.
You will find a copy of the menu by clicking here.