All CPD at Victory, to an extent, is bespoke as all staff are welcome to pick training specific to them. Even those who take a more guided route through CPD can still choose to take part in any of the CPD opportunities on offer in and academy and beyond
However, this route is for those teachers who wish to cater their CPD to specific areas of focus. Its big point of difference is that it can be used to take part in a wide range of CPD, without needing to specialise in a specific route. You will choose from the entire catalogue of CPD on offer across the academy, trust and from external providers to create your own truly bespoke CPD.
If you wish to select this route, you need to complete the Bespoke CPD form which can be found here.
If you wish to attend any of the CPD offered in the other CPD routes, you must also book on to them using the links below: