Sixth Form Attendance

Sixth Form Attendance Policy

Full attendance is critical if you are to make the best use of your opportunities. Research shows that missing lessons has a seriously detrimental effect on your achievements.

The government benchmark for acceptable attendance is 97% and above. Anything below 90% is classified as persistent absence.

All students have their attendance monitored rigorously and where necessary we invite parents/carers in to offer support and discuss any issues.

Students must attend ALL lessons and study periods.

In the case of Staff absences, Students are expected to complete work on site in the Sixth Form Study Room; attendance will be recorded in these cases.

  • Each day of school absence means missing a minimum of 5 hours of learning, including crucial content for exams and coursework.
  • There are only 360 hours of guided learning for each A Level/BTEC so missing the odd day really adds up!
  • Sixth Form students are expected to attend school every day.

Reporting a Student Absence

If your child is absent, due to illness, it is important that you contact us before 8:30am on the first day of absence, and on the morning of every day of absence thereafter.

You can report an absence the following way:

Email:  [email protected]

Telephone:  01603 343654

If your child has a medical appointment, we ask that you inform us prior to the appointment, where possible.

If a student has not registered in the morning, a text message will be sent to parents/carers.  Parents/carers can reply to this message or alternatively contact the above number and leave a message.

Leave of Absence Requests

It is your responsibility to inform the Sixth Form Office, in advance, if you will not be in on a particular day or for a particular lesson. Failure to do so will result in an unauthorised absence and, if applicable, your weekly bursary payment for lunch being withheld for that day.

If you are aware of an absence in advance, please complete the ‘Leave of Absence Request’ form for Sixth Form. Copies are available from the Sixth Form Study Room or can be downloaded below:

Examples of absences which may be authorised in advance are:

  • A medical appointment which cannot be made out of academy time (Evidence Required).
  • A religious holiday.
  • Attendance at a funeral.
  • A driving test (practical or theory test) but NOT driving lessons.
  • A University interview or open day.

It is essential that you get this approved, in advance, by Mr Timm. Please also get it signed by your Subject Teachers if you are missing their lessons.

The Sixth Form Team will make the final decision on whether your request is authorised.

Unexplained Absences

In cases of repeated absences the following pathway will be followed: